This is the site plan for the world's first healthcare facility dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of the clinically obese.
The BIG perspective is this:
Bring BIG people together onto one campus, into one facility, where everybody who's there is there because they are obese, where nobody is going to feel ostracized or discriminated against, where everybody who works there is specially trained and certified to give unique care to the obese, where the beds are strong enough to take the weight and are comfortable and easily cleaned and can be quickly wheeled anywhere, where toilets don't break from walls, where corridors are extra wide and always look out on a green living garden, where never is one room located across the hall from another, where the place feels like home, not an institution, where BIG individuals are treated with respect and care, where America will save millions if not billions by centralizing the fight against the plight and the epidemic of obesity.
This is the BIG perspective.
A BIG perspective is the MACRO VIEW of things.
A Macro View is important because it sees forward to the many avenues of tripping dominos leading into the future of possibilities. It solves problems by seeing long distance into evolving trends and projected responses.
Great ideas are born from Macro Views, from BIG Perspectives.
But if I had a dollar, one hundred pennies, twenty nickels, ten dimes, four quarters or two half dollar pieces for every good idea I ever had, I would be richer than Mr. Billion Gates.
It is that "some other guy" who is willing to get the microscope out and examine the many and complex intricate details of how to execute a great idea, who ends up the winner of the prize, who ends up being that "lucky guy" who makes a fortune, who ends up being that guy because he's the guy who looks at the little things that make the biggest difference.
This is the close up perspective, the MICRO VIEW of things.
But the Micro View is also the proverbial "not seeing the forest for the trees".
All too often, the Micro View perspective alone is myopic in nature; great for getting into the details but blind while the big idea guy sneaks up behind and whacks you over the head with a two by four to remind you of the BIG picture.
The best perspective is a Balanced Perspective; a Macro View and a Micro View in sequence, back and forth so fast it becomes one.
Seeing is like breathing: breath out, breath in, see far, see close.
This is the blow-up view of the laundry, kitchen, administration and beauty salon for the world's first healthcare facility dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of the clinically obese.
This is the blow-up view of individual rooms for the world's first healthcare facility dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of the clinically obese.
This is a perspective of the entry for the world's first healthcare facility dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of the clinically obese.
BIG care is a BIG idea. It's a huge global BIG perspective. We see from the Macro View that BIG care is the best way America has to address its growing addiction to obesity.
We see from the Micro View that BIG care is made to work as a money saving, money making enterprise because we've examined every detailed aspect of obesity care through the microscope of design, the specifics of specialized training and the protocol of central administration.
Last I checked, breathing in and out is rather important to living.
Seeing large and seeing small is critical to Living Architecture.
It's how we see things here. It's why what we do works.
Take an idea you've had locked up in your head for a while. Try looking at your idea through the telescope of Macro vision and then through the microscope of Micro vision. See in. See out. Look at the big picture then back at the details then back to the big thing again.
Then share your idea with me.
I promise, I'll write you back and tell you what I think. Who knows, you might have a great idea or a detailed insight into how to find the skinny on obesity.